
News and Recent Developments

On International Women’s Day, the Firm Celebrates Women in Law, Science, and Engineering

This International Women’s Day, and throughout the year, Grüneberg and Myers applauds the increasing contributions that women are making to science, engineering, and intellectual property law.

Last year, the firm noted a USPTO study showing an increase over time in patents listing women as inventors. Since then, the USPTO has released a lengthier report, as part of the Study of Underrepresented Classes Chasing Engineering and Science Success (SUCCESS) Act of 2018. This more recent report finds that women made up about 28% of the science and engineering workforce, but only accounted for about 12% of inventors named on issued patents. Meanwhile, even into the years leading up to the third decade of the 21st century, women remain underrepresented across the legal profession.

Women attorneys and staff, including two female inventors listed on granted patents, constitute an important part of the Grüneberg and Myers firm. The firm pledges to maintain a diverse team at all levels, including firm leadership.

Launched in September 2017, Grüneberg and Myers PLLC is a 100 percent female- and minority-owned international patent firm. With a broad and sophisticated practice, the firm provides a full range of patent support services, including patent prosecution, counseling, post-grant representation, and M&A due diligence to meet the growing and diverse needs of U.S.-based, European, and Asian companies, entrepreneurs, and inventors.

firmEric Myers